Tuesday, November 30, 2010

wailing to dancing

After my abortion, I attended the Silent Voices PAS (Post-Abortion Syndrome) healing workshop.  It was wonderful beyond words and so effective.  While I sat there amongst these other 7 women who had suffered so deeply from the loss of their babies, I began to realize that I must choreograph them.  That Summer, I set to work on a 3-part piece about 8 women suffering through the trauma of their abortions- each unique story, each varying personality.  The following Spring, I set it on dancers from Grossmont College.  I came across these photos today and a card that read:
Kori,  Thanks for letting me be a part of your healing which is what I think this dance is for you.  Thanks also for reminding me that we are truly nothing without God and that we only have to look to Him for all that we need.  Amazing Grace. - how joyful!  Teri
part 1 - grieving
Teri is comforting me in the background.
part 3 - wholeness
 Another note I found simply says, 
"Someday, you and he will dance together in Heaven."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Magical Marilyn

When I auditioned for The Lion King Celebration parade at Disneyland, a girl there was a real standout.  Both of us ended up being cast and I danced opposite her twice a week.  A year later she became a Christian and we have been friends (through ups and downs) ever since.

Marilyn is a dear and treasured friend.  She has been training to be an aerialist for the last few years and she is very good on the Spanish Web.  When she mentioned that she'd be performing at the L.A. County Fair, the boys and I jumped in the car to go see her.  She truly is beautiful.

Of course, we had a little fun doing Fair stuff.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How far is too far...

...and how will we respond when it happens in America?

The Swedish Chef & the "roost torkey"

I know I'm a couple days behind on this one.  But enjoy anyway.

I hope your "roost torkey" was delish!
Our Thanksgiving was the best yet.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving for Real

Thanksgiving is the greatest American holiday.  
If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth. Ronald Reagan
Our very favorite Thanksgiving picture book.
In the early 1600's, Bible-believing Christians just like some of us today were fed up with being told by their government what to believe and how to worship.  So, they prayed and sought to worship freely.  Exhausting their options in Europe, they agreed that the new world, America, was their only hope to worship God freely and Biblically as they wished.  How sad to see that our American government today is attempting to tell us how we must worship.  "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1) They tie the hands and feet of pastors with IRS threats.  Individual citizens are on pins and needles, awaiting the possible ratification of outrageous international laws that loom in our future and would limit our religious freedoms.  Many have turned their backs on God and pull out-of-thin-air ridiculous stories of "history" which aren't history at all.  Our culture is saturated with lies and the majority of us believe them...because our schools teach them to us as fact.  Don't be deceived!

When the Pilgrims finally made their way to America under much hardship, trickery, and delay, they suffered even more through their first winter with a few people dying daily.  Until one day, Tesquantum approached them and he was able to help them grow and get the food they needed to keep them alive.  Now, the story of Tesquantum (Squanto) is heart-breaking and redemptive in itself.  Please see my previous post and take some time to listen to Squanto's story.  Anyway, the end result, as we all well-know was a fantastic harvest and a great feast shared by the Pilgrims and Indians together.

I wanted to direct you toward some great resources my family has enjoyed.  Truly, the story of Thanksgiving is one of my very favorites.
The undeniable hand of God ,
perseverance of the brave,
the heroism of Squanto....
well, who doesn't love such a wonderful story?  Truly history is greater than any tale we can make up.  And don't let the History Channel deceive you into thinking the Pilgrims' and Indians' relationship was a myth.  The ancient writings of those present unquestionably counter the lies of this current God-denying culture and media.

Wallbuilders is an excellent source of history from actual historic writings.  Here is a beautiful article written by David Barton...yes, the same David Barton who appears regularly on the Glenn Beck program.

Here's a little teaser from Drive Thru History's Pilgrims episode.  This whole American history series is excellent.

"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620." Mayflower Compact
Another great audio drama we adore is "Stepping Stones" from Adventures In Odyssey's, The Truth Chronicles.  This is an hour-long dramatic presentation about the Pilgrims from their time under English religious persecution until the first Thanksgiving.  The boys ask for it over and over.  Besides history, these audio programs offer fantastic character lessons and show that we really don't have it so hard after all.

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  
May you make the most of all that this beautiful holiday has to offer.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


One of our very favorite stories in the whole world is that of Squanto.   Please take the time to listen to this audio drama.  We must expose our children to true American history instead of the tainted revisionist history that has been lying to the American people for decades.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Resist TSA security screenings

Please link to the article below about why you should respectfully resisting invasive and offensive TSA security screenings.


And make sure to act on the 3 action items at the end.  They are easy and they are vital.

3 John 4

"To measure the man, 
measure his heart." 
~Malcolm Forbes 

"I think there is one higher office than president 
and I would call that patriot."
~Gary Hart

"Jesus was in my dream and He said, 
'Obey your mom and dad.'"
~Silas Peterson
(Easter 2010)

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth." 
~3 John 4

We peeked in on the boys last night before we went to bed and this is what we found.  As a home schooling mom who is desperately trying to raise two boys in the training and admonition of the Lord and as true foundational American patriot heroes, you can imagine my delight in finding my little guy in such a dreamy state.

We spent a lot of time in the car yesterday.  Brandon had brought a ruler so we discussed measurement comparisons, vocabulary, and measured water bottles or whatever was within reach.  We also spent a lot of time discussing the character qualities listed in 2 Peter 1:2-11.  To hear these young ones engage in conversation about deep spiritual matters blows my mind and blesses me beyond expression.

I love being a mom.  I love educating my own children.  I love "whispering into their hearts and minds the secrets of the kingdom of God." (Sally Clarkson)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Three Cups of Tea

I just finished reading (with my ears) the audio book, Three Cups of Tea about Greg Mortenson's mission to build schools in Pakistan for Muslim girls.

Without commentating on the whole book which is totally unnecessary, I will mention 3 things that I gleaned from this true story.

1.  Any one person can do their part in changing the world.  Mortenson was a failure of a mountain climber (in his words) and had no earthly possessions.  Living in his car, he was able to get the funding he needed to build one school and then there was no stopping the great work he was doing and continues to do.

2.  Muslims, apparently, are not all terrorist/bomber/airplanes-into-buildings psychopaths.  Maybe you already knew this, but I was not convinced.  Now, I'm not saying that Islam is a "peace-loving religion" as some p.c. types like to say.  But, I will say that I was wholly impressed by how these Pakistani villages embraced an American who wanted to build schools FOR GIRLS.  In order for him to be able to do this, he had to have the approval of the communities he was serving.  And he got it.  Not only do they accept his schools, but they deeply love him (even though he is an infidel) and protected him...even willing to lay down their own lives.

My question to you...because I am totally ignorant in this area...is:  If these uneducated villages and people, once educated, begin to read through their own Koran and read the commands to kill the infidels, will they then become the extremists they currently condemn?  Why are so many Muslims murderers and terrorists, and then you have these, as mentioned in the book, that embrace the infidel?  Is it like a carnal "Christian" (who is not really a Christian at all) versus a Christian walking with the Lord?  Or a Catholic who is Catholic by family tradition only versus a true Jesus-following, born again Catholic?  The problem with these comparisons is that none of them seek to destroy those who are unlike them.
This story has enlightened me to the idea that not all Muslims I encounter want to kill me.  Yes, I think that sometimes.

3.  The idea that change will come through education and growing children in truth and non-brainwashing.  We can't drop a bunch of bombs and get the expected immediate result of peace and tranquility.  It must be grown.  And that takes time.  I am doing that in my own home for my own country.  I must raise the next generation of truth-lovers and patriots.  That is how we will change the tyrannical direction of this country.  So, of course, it makes sense that that is how things can change in terrorist nations.

Do I recommend this book?  Yes. ...unless there is another like it out there that gives glory to God, as He is never mentioned in this book.  However, that being said, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." (James 1:7)  There are many times I thought, "There is no way this guy could be as successful as he is in such dangerous territory without the blessing, protection, and provision of God."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Don't miss out! Sally Clarkson/Mom Heart Conference registration is open!!!

FEBRUARY 4-5, 2011
Mariner's Church, Irvine.
(More dates nationwide are available.)

Click on the button above 
and register for the 2011 Mom Heart Conference.  


Restore Biblical Motherhood and change the world!  For such a time as this, God chose you to be mom to precious children.  

You are special. 
You influence the next generation.  
Do it well!

Come with me to this conference.  It will be one of the best things you ever did.  Be liberated and forever change how you perceive Motherhood.  You have a great calling.  Nothing you can do on earth is as noble as being a mom and raising your children in the Lord, for a future and a hope.

I hope to see you there.

p.s. Comment if you plan to go, would like to carpool, or share a hotel room with some other ladies. It cuts down on the cost and makes it a whole lot more fun!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over,
it became a butterfly.

The future belongs to those who believe the beauty of their dreams.
~Eleanor Roosevelt

Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us all without words?
~Marcel Marceau 

Friday, November 5, 2010


A harvest of sweet boys
 in the corn maze at the Ramona Pumpkin Patch. 

We sure love our new friends, The Wach's!  
A good time is sure to be in the mix when our boys are together.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I learned from yesterday's election

Extreme sass ahead.  

Californians (and maybe all Americans) don't have a clue what the judges stand for.  EVERY judge on our ballot was confirmed (by a landslide), when only 3 should have been confirmed.  ...unless of course we like the fact that the majority of these judges are seeking to squash religious freedoms.  Look folks, thank you for voting, but if you don't know about the judges, don't vote for them.  It's a yes or no.  Just say, "I don't know," and abstain.  Yikes!
Prop 19...So glad that California has half a brain on this one.  (Even though the vote was way closer than rationality can defend.)  The vote on whether or not marijuana should be legal ...Please.  What kind of world am I living in?  
Prop 25, Congratulations CA.  We just made our politicians LESS accountable on passing the budget.   
Apparently, Californians are in love with Barbara Boxer even though she is grossly pro-abortion (murder of millions of human lives) and aggressively against parental rights.  Do Californians not realize that she is leading the charge for the UNCRC which would strip the rights of parents WORLDWIDE?
Maybe California should become it's own country (Remember that one?)...it sort of already is...actually, I think it's more like its own planet.

Work it out, America!  I totally dig the way you cleaned the floor with the liberals.  A good portion of the races were overwhelmingly won by conservatives!  And, let's take a moment of silence for the loss of Nancy Pelosi's job.
I think I might cry...tears of joy!  We wanted to take out the trash and so we did.  Looks like we need a few more hands to carry all the garbage bags to the dumpsters.

California is disappointing, but what else is new?   Sure, it's pretty here, but "as a gold ring in a pig's snout" ...starts to lose it's appeal, if ya know what I mean. (Pr. 11:22)
But, the rest of the level-headed Americans from coast to coast have spoken clearly that Obama's "change" isn't exactly high on their priority list.

Well done, patriots!  
Until next time, let us occupy until He comes.  
Let us be alert, praying and acting everyday 
for righteousness to rule so we can rejoice and be exalted.
(Lk. 19:13; Pr. 14:34; 29:2)

P.S.  If you don't vote, shame on you!  I recently heard that only 25% of Christians vote.  This should not be.  REGISTER and VOTE!  So many of the CA races were lost by small percentages easily made up if we would exercise our right, privilege, duty.  I hate to be so harsh, but it is absolutely inexcusable that you have the right and ability to vote and you don't exercise it!  Passivity results in bondage.  Then, it will be too late to make your will known.
"Those who have known freedom and lost it have never known it again." ~Ronald Reagan

Monday, November 1, 2010

As stunning as the flag they carry.

The USMC Color Guard from Camp Pendleton.
My favorite parade entry every year.
Real life heroes.