Today was Borrego Days and the first in 6 years that I wasn't organizing and staging the parade. So, the boys and I readied our bikes for a ride to the parade route. I asked them to go into the car and grab umbrellas to keep the sun off of them. Lily (our dog) had been out with the boys and Jamie. I was inside gathering things together for our day out in Borrego enjoying the Festival.
We loaded our bikes and were about to leave when Jamie said that the dog was missing.
We looked through the house and called for her but to no avail.
She likes to roam the neighborhood so we figured she was out and about and would make her way home soon. So, the boys and I set off and were gone until about 4pm while Jamie periodically stopped by the house to check to see if Lily had returned. She hadn't. We were getting very concerned...especially as the day was nearing dusk.
We had planned a barbecue at our house tonight. I decided to pull the bounce house out of the garage for my boys to play on. I went back and forth between the front yard and the garage a few times and was on my way back for one final time to retrieve an extension cord when I heard a noise from inside of my car. I ran to the back driver's side door and opened it, and there on the floor was Lily! She had been in the car for 10 hours...and our high temp here in Borrego today was 98. Needless to say she was incredibly disoriented and weak. I couldn't believe she was alive.
Apparently when the boys went to the car to get their umbrellas, Lily had jumped into the car so she wouldn't be left at home. Jamie and I never knew she was in there and the boys...being children weren't paying much attention. I had asked Jamie earlier in the day to check the cars in case we had opened any of them up to grab something and didn't realize she was in there. He checked, but never saw her. She is black and the interior of my car is black.
I ran to get her some water but she was too disoriented to drink so I carried her into the house and gave her water from my hand. She slowly regained some of her strength but was incredibly wobbly and seemed confused. We began to be concerned about neurological damage and severe dehydration, so we beat feet to an animal urgent care hospital in Escondido.
I was so upset and emotional and blamed myself over and over for not looking hard enough for her. I sat in the backseat with her while Jamie drove. I texted several friends and asked for prayer. She was so unsettled and kept moving, adjusting, and being anxious. I knew I should pray fervently for this dog. I felt ridiculous doing it for a dog but I placed my hands on her little head and prayed that God would heal her brain wholly. Soon, she settled into a comfortable position and rested until we arrived at the animal hospital. Jamie was rushing to get to the hospital and he said, "Every time I think of passing another car, I hear, 'Oh you of little faith.'" So, I prayed aloud and we calmly proceeded to our destination.
As soon as we got there, she was checked out and everything seemed completely normal. They ran some blood tests and other than signs of dehydration (duh!) she was perfectly normal. She even ran out to us and jumped on us and cried to leave and sniffed around the lobby, etc.
It is now 12:39 A.M. and Jamie and I just returned home from the vet (a 3-hour drive roundtrip). Our Lily is back to normal. I do not want to be ignorant of God's work here and so I want to record this here and now. I can not believe the dog I pulled out of that baking hot car is home, eating, chasing a fly around the kitchen, and now sleeping in her bed beside me. God, thank You so much that You care for our silly doggies. Thank You.