Cheryl Broderson, daughter of Pastor Chuck Smith and wife of Pastor Brian Broderson, stated one day on "Pastor's Perspective," a radio call-in show, that the spiritual realm is more real than the material realm.
True it is that this world will one day pass away and our focus must now and forever be on eternity. How beneficial it is to look at the big picture and to not dwell on and be overwhelmed by the seeming largeness of our current circumstances. Taking a step back to get a grip and to look at the big picture, God's master plan; and to realize that the little things are only a part of a much bigger thing that God is accomplishing in our lives.
Yes, Heaven is more real than earth. Eternity will dwarf this life. Our time here is indeed only a mist that appears for a moment and then is gone. (Jas. 4:14) So, don't get too caught up in your struggles and temptations. We can be self-controlled for a moment so that we may glory in eternity. Our present sufferings are not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. (Rom. 8:18)
Occupy this earth until He comes, but keep your eyes up because our redemption draws near. (Lk. 21:28)