Brandon's 5th birthday and a short rabbit trail
Today is Brandon's 5th birthday and I can't believe he is that old. We are moving from the train phase of boyhood into the knight and sword-fighting phase. On that note, we headed to Buena Park this evening for an adventurous dinner at Medieval Times. It was great but the best part is that the boys totally loved it, which of course makes it the coolest!! I love that my boys want to be heroes. What a blessing. To pursue purity and character and integrity is my heart's desire...second only to their eternal security in Jesus Christ and His redemptive work on the cross. I hope I can be a mom who raises godly, loving, uncompromising children who stand for what is true and right and do not back down no matter how severe the persecution. I hope I may be that way also...for it may come to us before we know it. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
Why do my thoughts so often divert to such heavy and serious subjects? I was only going to write about a fun 5th birthday. haha! It is so deeply in my heart to please the true Creator of the universe and to point a lost world to Him. We live in such a time of tolerance of all things
except Biblical principals and how my heart breaks for those who are perishing.
We wanted to simplify the presents this year. And, instead, capitalize on how special our little Brandon is and how we want to be a family of best friends celebrating our best friend's very special day. What a special treasure God has given us in Brandon. He wants deeply to please us and to be a good boy. Good boys are so precious! Christians, please pray I will be able to reach his heart regarding pride and true humility. These are his struggles. And I know he will conquer them through the Holy Spirit. How thankful we are that God knit him together in me so we can enjoy such a special guy!!! Brandon's gifts from us this year: maze books (he loves mazes!), a lego castle building set, a monster of a water gun, and the "Armor of God" board game. The boys are so close in age that they end up liking the same things and it lessens the disputes if we can give gifts together so we will remedy that with a joint (family) bday party in June.

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