George Washington is my hero! He was an amazing, amazing, fantastic man. Of all the things we have studied, the boys and I have probably loved learning about him the most. He is our favorite. No doubt about it. So, it was fitting that today we would visit his home as our first stop on our U.S. history tour. We loved Mt. Vernon! It is one of my very favorite places I have ever visited. We even discussed going back for a 2nd day. If you haven't been to Mount Vernon, go!!! But know about George Washington before you go. Know how much everyone loved him, know that God was with him undoubtedly and protected him (did you know that during the French & Indian war, he survived an ambush but had 2 horses shot from underneath him, had 4 bullet holes in his coat and 1 in his hat?). Know that he wasn't only our president, but he was a gifted general, leader, farmer, and forefather. He had integrity beyond anyone you may know. He served in the Revolutionary War and refused to take a salary. He would not send his soldiers where he did not lead them personally. His men loved him. He was far more honorable than we will ever know. He was most courageous. He truly is the father of our country and there could be no more fitting 1st president than George Washington.
Won't it be so glorious to meet him in heaven one day?
the boys chilling on the shore of the Potomac
I am going to enjoy checking out your blog daily!