My Aunt Toby & Uncle Glen live in Clinton, which is the cutest little town without having to be so remote that it takes an hour and a half to drive to the nearest shopping center....ok, so maybe I am referring to the remoteness of Borrego (is "remoteness" a word?). Anyway, it is quite charming here and has been so refreshing to just enjoy their little town and spend time with family. My aunt is such a dear, kindred spirit to me and I really adore her.
My cousin, Kyler, is housesitting for Mark Lipinksi of "Quilter's Home Magazine" and we enjoyed yesterday afternoon in his pool and playing with his 3 dogs: Tulip, Petunia, & Violet. I think it
was a much needed day of R&R.

Aunt Toby treated me to a pedicure and then we walked along the downtown Clinton with a stop for tea and lunch. Yeah! That's why I love her life! Toby owns a quilting shop here called "Kindred Quilts" and has the most beautiful creations. At the end of the street, there are 2 mills along the stream. We were able to take a little walk through the Red Mill. The boys loved climbing all those stairs and watching the wheel turn.
We had a wonderful visit with family in Clinton. Definitely my favorite part of the trip so far. It is so refreshing to be with those whom your soul is knit to.
Fun times!