Last Thursday, Jamie chaperoned a youth group trip to Magic Mountain. As they were exiting onto Magic Mountain Parkway, the last car in the caravan was rear-ended. After a 4-hour drive, all the girls in the vehicle were sent home for fear that subtle neck injuries would be worse after an all-day tour of roller coasters. This was terribly disappointing for the girls, but it, undoubtedly was the wise thing to do. Megan, our youth pastor's wife, joined the girls on the ride home and determined to make the most of the day, so she stopped for ice cream. Then, when they returned to Borrego, she invited them all to her home and gave them all new haircuts (Megan is a fantastic hairdresser). And promised them that they all would go back to Magic Mountain for a special "just the girls" trip. She really brought beauty from ashes and made the day so worthwhile for some very disappointed ladies. I was speaking with one of them the other day and she was just radiant with the princess treatment from Megan. I just thought this was such a special effort from Megan. She went above and beyond and was so gracious, thoughtful, and selfless. I am sure after an 8-hour drive, crash in the midst, she was ready to take a nap. Yea for a great youth pastor and his precious wife!
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