He is a man who stands strongly on his convictions and is not afraid to speak what is right even though it may not be popular or politically correct. One of my favorite mentor ladies, Sally Clarkson, often says that if you take a stand you become a target. Thus has been the case with my beloved pastor. Because of his unwavering commitment to God's ways according to the Bible, he has come under intense scrutiny of the community. Surprisingly he has even become a target of people once involved in our own fellowship. Yet, in it all he handles it with grace and logic and confidence. As does his precious wife.
I admire Steve because he not only is deeply passionate for God's Word but is also passionate for the condition and history of our country.
He is a devoted teacher of the Word and a loving shepherd of the flock God has put before him. His teaching is quite possibly the best scriptural teaching I have ever been under. He obviously loves the Word and immerses himself in it - exhaustively researching and studying so that he may share it with us. And how we love it! We are well-fed, encouraged, and motivated to not only hear the Word but to be doers of it as well. He is intimately involved in the workings of his church and encourages accountability, service, and right relationships. I personally have been encouragingly confronted by him on several occasions and his exhortation has been gentle and right. I love that he is a peacemaker and not a peacekeeper. He confronts when something must be confronted and doesn't allow for an unhealthy status quo.
I know his job is not an easy one, but it is a blessed one. And he is absolutely the right person for it. I know he is encountered with opposition, criticism, and hostility. As unpleasant as this may be, he remains patient, kind, honest, and uncompromising.
Steve, you are a treasure to your "flock." We adore you and are so thankful for you. This post has not even touched the surface of your character and integrity nor has it sufficiently expressed our deep appreciation for you and Marian, but I do hope it is an encouragement.
Many blessings and much prayer for you and your family,
I don't know what's going on down there in Borrego with Pastor Steve but I agree wholeheartedly with what you wrote about him Kori!!! He is one of the very few, true, Men of God I have ever known and Marian, a true, beautiful woman of God.
ReplyDeleteSteve is one of the best teachers of God's word I have ever heard and he is so well studied, makes scripture come alive, does not 'sugarcoat' it, but speaks with truth, power & love and obviously is blessed by God!!!
This 'attack' although shocking to me, is proof that he is exactly where God wants him to be, that Satan is ticked and sending his army to try & distract Steve from God's plan and glory. I will be praying for the Armour of God to protect Steve, his family & sweet fellowship in standing against the attack of the enemy, that Jesus will rule in Borrego as He will upon His soon to come (Lord willing) return!!!
comments I have received about this post:
ReplyDeleteNow the wierd thing is "They don't come much bettert han Steve." I have often thought, he could have his pick of pastorates outside of Borrego. He is a VERY compassionate teacher and powerfully effective communicator. Yet he stays committed to the folks there. "You don't know what you've got till it's gone. Take paradise, put up a parking lot." (S.G.)
Interesting. I have thought the same thing: "the only reason that church is small is because it's in the middle of nowhere." Because his teaching is EXCELLENT and he is so attentive to the people. Well, I hope he never leaves...unless of course, I leave first and his family follows. HA! I don't think they have any intention of going anywhere. Like you said, he is absolutely committed to our lovely Borrego fellowship. As the Lord wills... (Kori)
I couldn't agree with you more Kori, Steve has been so patient with me and so has Marian ♥ I am truly blessed to know them both! (A.S.)
He must be doing something right if he's under fire. God will reward those that are faithful. (E.P.)
Dogs don't chase parked cars. (D.E.)
"It is when we are in the way of duty that we find giants. It was when Israel was going forward that the giants appeared. When they turned back into the wilderness they found none." ~Streams in the Desert, today. (Kori)