Can you believe it has been 10 years? Jamie and I will be in NYC a week after the 10 year anniversary. Yes, our main destination is the new 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero and to hunt down the beloved cross that shouts the presence of Jesus during the darkest hours of our history.
I want to encourage you to also write your own 9/11 story. And maybe you're Challenger Disaster story and, if you're old enough, your JFK and Pearl Harbor stories. As people who have lived through these life-changing events, I think it is desperately important that we record our version for the sake of our posterity.
Tomorrow evening, an interview with George W. Bush is airing on the National Geographic channel.
Also, the History Channel is showing 102 Minutes That Changed America on the morning of September 11th beginning at 8:46 am, the same time the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center.
Share this history with your children. And do something special to remember the thousands of innocent lives lost that day.
The Nixon Presidential Library is having a few special events the week preceding 9/11. The boys and I will be attending the September 5th display of 16,000 tons of WTC steel and a first-responder firetruck. I am sure there are several other events going on across the country.
Also, Laura Bush has a stunning account of her 9/11 experience in her recent book Spoken From The Heart. Get it from your library and read that section (though the whole book is very good).
I pray you have a day set aside for remembering this infamous day and that we will always remember.
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