Live outside the box. Think outside the box. Educate outside the box. Play outside the box.
Not by the world's expectations, political correctness, or even etiquette-obedience.
But by God's script.
A melodrama unfolding scene by scene. God as the Narrator.
What is our default? We have all been brainwashed, indoctrinated in a variety of ways. I hate this. And I'm trying to cure myself of it by facing head-on every mindless default response I have to a variety of issues. Why do I have a particular perspective of certain things? Oftentimes, it is because someone told me to think that way. I don't want to be told what to think. I want GOD to tell me the truth and to judge everything against His Holy and Perfect Word. I want my opinions to be the result of the Holy Spirit's resonance in my soul.
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