Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; Then all these things will be added unto you." ~Matthew 6:33Truly if we set our priorities...God being number one....everything will just fit.
Years ago and on numerous occasions, be it Bible study, ministry training, whatever, I have been able to witness a certain experiment that depicts this verse.
Step 1: Fill a jar with walnuts
Step 2: Pour rice into the jar so it fits between the nooks and empty spaces between the walnuts.
Explain to your observers (or yourself if that's the case) that the walnuts represent God, Bible reading, prayer, etc. The rice represents the other stuff: housework, errands, to do lists, leisure, recreation, t.v., Facebook (did I hit a nerve there?), etc. If you place God first, then all the other stuff fits into place.
Step 3: Now empty the contents of the jar into a large bowl.
Step 4: Pour the rice into the jar first.
Step 5: Now squeeze the walnuts in.
So, if you put the other stuff in first and leave God out or try to squeeze Him in as an after thought, what happens?
I won't tell you.
I'll let you figure it out on your own.
Better put walnuts and rice on your shopping list.
Much love.
And schedule time with the Lord at the top of your priority list.

I love the walnuts and rice Kori, I will be using that I am sure. Love, Darlene
ReplyDeleteThanks, Darlene. Thought about you so often last week as we were in Vegas and studying the state of Nevada. Love you! I get to pray with Kari tomorrow! Woot! K
ReplyDeleteAs a grandma who has become passionate about Deuteronomy 6 and how far we have drifted from it, The Child's Story Bible has become a huge tool for me in helping to train my grandkids in the Word. Enjoyed reading your post; so glad to hear of others who are using this book, too! And will be buying some walnuts : )