Sunday, May 16, 2010

voter guide and opinion

Click on the "Vote..." tab above for current voter information.

"If ever a time should come when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." ~Samuel Adams
"Public officials should not be chosen if they are lacking experience, training, proven virtue, and demonstrated wisdom." (taken from the thoughts of Samuel Adams via "The 5000 Year Leap")

A few of you have asked my opinion about the candidates for this primary election.  I will continue to update this until June 8th.  If you find anything of concern, please email me or comment here and I will research it further and correct it, if necessary.  I hope this is helpful.  (The pic to the right also applies to June 8, 2010.)
Much love and appreciation for you who want to be informed and knowledgeable voters.  Bless you!

voter guides:

Jerry Brown (D) is pro-choice and says he would support public funding of abortion for low-income women through an executive order if necessary. Here is the video of him saying so.
Steve Poizner (R) is pro-choice, but opposes government funding of abortion.  He is pro-traditional marriage.  Otherwise, he seems fiscally conservative and supports immigration laws.
Meg Whitman (R) is pro-choice, supports government funding of abortions for low-income women, and is against parental notification of minors getting an abortion.  Nightmare! has a breakdown of key issues between Poizner and Whitman.
Lawrence Naritelli (R)  This guy is right on and pro-life!  It seems...maybe... you can have it all.
Robert Newman (R) claims to be a Christian and that he will stand for the truth.  His stance on the issues is right every aspect.  Not sure of his experience.  Here is his church website:
Markham Robinson (I) supports the original intent of the Constitution and is pro-life.  He seems to be an upstanding Christian.
Chelene Nightingale (I) has stated her position on many issues here.  She seems cool, but a little risky.

Jim King (I) has a great stance on key issues. ( (
Sam Aanestad  Aanestad on immigration.

Deborah Bowen (D) is married to the Deputy Director for Energy and Climate in the Office of Environmental Markets at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  She is an abortion supporter and does not defend traditional family/marriage.
Merton D. Short (I) is a defender of the Constitution.  Don Grundmann endorses him (see U.S. Senate). Pro-life.
Orly Taitz is a birther.  Now I, too, am not fully convinced of Obama's citizenship.  She is an immigrant herself and so is very passionate about her citizenship.  There is A LOT of criticism toward her because of her "birther" stance.  She is the Tea Party pick.  She, no doubt, will hold the White House absolutely accountable, especially regarding election and voter fraud.
Damon Dunn (R) is a baptist pastor for Saddleback Baptist Church, has been president of a local Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and is an ex-NFL player.  He is pro-life.

CONTROLLER touches on Strickland and Evans.
John Chiang (D)- opposes off shore drilling.
Andrew Favor (L) ( is a fiscal conservative in a time when we need a fiscal conservative more than ever.

Tom Harman is a supporter of the 2nd amendment, plans to call the Fed govt to accountability regarding our borders, pro-life, pro Prop 8, against Obamacare
Diane Beall Templin is a Constitution supporter and parents' say in education reform.
John Eastman is a really great option.  Honestly, I am torn between him and Harman, though My vote is for Harman at this point.

U.S. SENATE  - Oust Barbara Boxer!
Carly Fiorina is California Pro-Life Council's pick.  She also has the endorsement of Sarah Palin.
Chuck Devore is looking pretty good.
For me, it's a toss-up between Fiorina and Devore.  They essentially have the same stance on the issues that matter.  Carly is backed strongly by the pro-life movement and is a business girl (too bad she's not running for governor).  Devore is a military guy and an appointee of Reagan's White House.  Gotta love that!
Don J. Grundmann's pro-life stance is absolutely correct in his perspective on the truth about abortion.  He is pro-Constitution.
Edward Noonan is Mormon so you can assume his moral stance on various issues.  But I couldn't find any info regarding taxes/Constitution.
**Barbara Boxer must definitely be removed from office.  She is one of the leaders of immorality and foolishness in our government.  She has caused all sorts of wickedness and has had a stronghold in our state for far too long.  Just take a look here and try not to lose your lunch.  She is responsible for countless unborn lives lost.  Very sad.

Joel Anderson (R) is endorsed by the NRA for his support of the 2nd Amendment.

Bill Wells  He has the pro-life backing.  I lean this direction.
Brian Jones click on issues and endorsements.
Christine Rubin click on issues and endorsements.  Not high on my list because her stance on gun laws is unclear.

Jay La Suer is committed to the Constitution regarding the right to bear arms.  (
Bill Gore is endorsed by Bob McClellan who I personally admire.  However, from some things I have read (, he seems to have been a bit neglectful in any sort of preemptive 9-11 responsibilities.  He is ex-FBI.  There also seems to be a concern amongst Constitution-concerned citizens that Gore is anti-Constitution regarding gun laws (  We, Americans, have the right to bear arms and if this was upheld and not regulated to the point of nausea, we would have a lot less crime.  Regulations, obviously, are not helping lower crime in our country.  Freedom, freedom, freedom. 

Candidates that support home schooling and parents' rights.
Superintendent Voter Guide.

Marchi's immigration stance is concerning.  He does not support AZ's law and is an immigrant himself.  This is great since we are a melting pot.  But, we are also America and citizens need to be legal and uphold the Constitution, not make it up as it seems best to them.
Bill Horn and Tom Bumgardner seem to be fairly like-minded.  Tom just feels like Bill isn't doing enough.
Bill Horn, John Van Doorn, Steve Gronke and Tom Bumgardner support AZ immigration law and the need to revisit the 14th Amendment.  The 14th Amendment was meant for the children of slaves.  Bumgardner is the only one who seems to understand this.
Tom Bumgardner
Gronke is a global warming lemming and, therefore, questionable since that stance will ultimately lead to global government control if we don't require accountability and the truth.  He also loves social services...another government control ploy.  Stay far away from this pick.
Bill Horn proposed a 25% salary hike to his already ample intake.


For office no. 20

voter guides are pretty much the same across the board.
I would like to address the following: Prop B- term limits in all cases are a good thing.

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