Monday, April 25, 2011

equally yoked: it ain't just for marriage anymore

This post does not have the article in its entirety.  I have only taken sections of it.  Mostly for my own reference about the "inclusive" mentality so many religions are attempting to attain in our current culture.

Based on an "inclusive" religious Thanksgiving service put on by an organization called Mission Mississippi, this article addresses Hinduism, but any false religion is applicable.:

How inclusive should Christians be?  (by Ed Vitagliano, AFA Journal staff writer) 
But give thanks to whom?  For Christians, what is the purpose of a Thanksgiving service if not to give thanks to Jehovah through Jesus Christ?  And if Christians are giving thanks to the God of the Bible, why are they including the followers of false religions?  Hindus aren't thanking Jesus.  And if we are not giving thanks to Almighty God, then why go through the motions of pretending we are?
But why should a religious service be inclusive, when the participating religions themselves are mutually exclusive?  For example, Christianity and Hinduism hold to mutually exclusive views of God, man, sin, and salvation.  While participation in a joint religious service might be inclusive, what the practitioners are actually doing is just the opposite.  Each representative is praying to a separate god in defiance - and denial - of the other deity.  To pretend this is inclusion is just that - pretense.  More fearfully, it is the embrace of a spirit of antichrist (1 John 4:1-3) precisely because Hindus deny Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Paul warned Christians to avoid situations in which they were "bound together with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14).  While many Christians rightfully relate this passage to questions of interpersonal relationships - should a Christian, for example, marry an unbeliever - that is not the primary application of Paul's warning.  The apostle's admonition is zeroed on religious and spiritual cooperation.
 "Therefore, come out from their midst and be separate," says the Lord.
Now, agreeing to disagree with the practitioners of other religions is fine.  The First Amendment right of every person to free exercise of religious expression is a wonderful privilege.  We can respect that and should tolerate other religions.
Taken from the AFA Journal, February 2011  

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