Saturday, March 17, 2012

returning to the yoke of bondage?

Precious friends of ours fled to the U.S. from Russia in 1991 because they had seen horrors of communism and were concerned that the future of Russia would not be good.  Tonight, I engaged in conversation with them about World War II, Russia, etc... and the husband brought up the current GOP political candidates.  He became incredibly impassioned about the route America is heading down and how totally horrendous it is.  He was angry that he had fled from the oppressions of communism in Russia only to find that it is chasing him and breathing down his neck here in "free" America.  And he asked, "Where do we go if we can't be free here?!"

If an ex-Russian American who survived the horrors of communism during the Cold War is fearful and angry over what this present administration is doing to our country, then we all ought to be gravely concerned; and we all ought to speak and act.  

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery." ~Galatians 5:1

This man has vowed to continue to speak against communism and the direction many leaders of this country wish to take us.  He has vowed to share his own experiences.  Will we listen and heed?

We must.

"If we lose freedom here,
there is no place to escape to.
This is the last stand on earth."
~Ronald Reagan

1 comment:

  1. Praying and voting of course. Constantly telling everyone by letter at both the state and federal level concerns about all kinds of issues. Bill thinks the White House knows where our house is by now! Thank you Kori for the true, brave patriot that you are!
