Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Who is God and what is He like?...my perception.

God is the Creator of the atom and of the universe which is so expansive we will never, this side of heaven, grasp the massive size of it.  And yet it is all small enough to God that He holds it in His hand.  He is physically enormous yet that word does nothing to accurately describe His size.  And even though, God is awesomely huge, He still is able to know the secret workings of my earthly body and the private thoughts of my heart. (Gen. 1:1; Is. 40:12; Ps. 139:1-4, 16, 23-24)

He is Love.  Not just loving, but He is love.  He encompasses all love and one can not claim to know God if there is no love in him.  God's love is so all-consuming and overflowing that it is easily a trait that we all have inborn in us because we are in His image.  And He withholds nothing from us, not even His most precious possession, His Son. (1 Jn. 4:8; Gen. 1:27; Jn. 3:16)

He knows my days before there were any of them.  He knows the end from the beginning.  He knows and cares about every detail in my life.  The fact that He can know me (and all of His creation) so intimately means He is a multi-tasker beyond comprehension.  Certainly our ways and thoughts are not to be compared to His.  It is absolutely ridiculous to entertain the thought that our limited/finite minds can even slightly grasp His wisdom. (Ps. 139:16-18; Is. 47:10a; 48:4; Is. 55:8-9)

He is a great Healer.  He gives new life when all seems lost and is lost.  He is a resurrector of all things dead. (Is. 43:19; 2 Cor. 5:17; Ps. 30:11-12)

He is His Word, the Bible.  And how thankful I am for all those pages of Scripture. (Jn. 1:1)

He is the Father and Keeper of Israel.  And we must continue to support His people if we want to remain a blessed people as well.  He has adopted/grafted me in as if I were a Jew.  (Gen. 12:2-3; 1 Ptr. 2:9-10; Rom. 11:11-25)

He wants me to make the most of every opportunity, to bloom where I am planted, to "wherever I am, be all there."  (Eph. 5:16)

He is Comforter and guide and the Light that exposes and drives out all darkness. (2 Cor. 1:3-4; Is. 30:21; Jn. 1:5)

He is a Daddy who wraps His arms around me...soothes, cradles, and rocks me when life is tumbling down around me.  He is the eye of the storm.  My hair swirls around me, yet there is peace in Him and so I sit calmly in the midst. (Rom. 8:15; Is. 26:3)

He is so much that no one can look on Him and live.  But one day He will come and take me and I will be with Him forever.  He will one day rule earth and do so righteously.  The peace and justice we so earnestly desire will come only when Jesus is King of this world. (Ex. 33:20; 1 Ths. 4:17; Rev. 20)

He is in the details.  He causes me to be creative because He is the Creator and I am in His image.

He is the center of my life.  The reason I do everything I do and my motivation in doing it.  He sees me fall numerous times a day and still loves me and helps me up.  (Col. 3:23-24)

He is the Father to the fatherless, Defender of the widow, and satisfaction of everything we long for in our lives.  No one can find wholeness, completion, fulfillment, or satisfaction apart from Him. (Ps. 68:5-6; Jn. 14:6)

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