I just finished reading Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. Overall, this book is about the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit in our lives and our churches. I will just include some quotes that stood out to me...and very little commentary...As Samuel Chadwick said long ago, the greatest answer to prayer is more prayer. (p. 29)
The format of a prayer meeting is not nearly as important as its essence--touching the Almighty, crying out with one's whole being. (p. 30)
On Sunday mornings, changing the whole direction of the meeting was not unusual. After all, why should we hang onto some order of service if people were willing to get saved? God could use the choir, or anyone else, to turn the whole service into a prayer meeting if he wished. (p. 39-40)Early in the dance ministry, it was not unusual for our rehearsals to go this direction. I remember one night, after many of us had driven to Poway from Orange County (an hour and a half drive), we began praying at the start of our rehearsal and didn't stop until it was time to go home. It was right. No one danced that night, except in our dialog with the Lord. I treasure it in my heart as a very special, Spirit-led evening.
Am I the only one who gets embarrassed when religious leaders in America talk about having prayer in public schools? We don't even have that much prayer in many churches? Out of humility, you would think we would keep quiet on that particular subject until we practice what we preach in our own congregations. (p. 72) (Ouch!)
In the New Testament we don't see Peter or John wringing their hands and saying, "Oh, what are we going to do? Caligula's bisexual...he wants to appoint his horse to the Roman Senate...what a terrible model of leadership! How are we going to respond to this outrage?" --Let's not play games with ourselves. Let's not divert attention away from the weak prayer life of our own churches. In Acts 4, when the apostles were unjustly arrested, imprisoned, threatened, they didn't call for a protest; they didn't reach for some political leverage. Instead, they headed to a prayer meeting. Soon the place was vibrating with the power of the Holy Spirit (vv. 23-31). --The apostles had this instinct: When in trouble, pray. When intimidated, pray. When challenged, pray. When persecuted, pray. (p. 72-73)

"Act as though it's all up to you; Pray as though it's all up to Him." ~Glenn Beck
"These men (of the Acts church)...did not 'say their prayers,' they really prayed." -J.B.Phillips (p. 73)
Oh, what peace we often forfeit,Oh what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry every thing to God in prayer. (hymn: What A Friend We Have in Jesus) (p. 85)
These Christians (Hudson Taylor, the Moravians, American Frontier revivalists, etc.) were not bulls in a china shop, but they did speak the truth in love---fearlessly. (p. 98)
As a minister I firmly believe that I am not allowed to preach what is not in the Bible. It is an exciting enough book as it stands. It is not something dull that we need to spice up. If we do and teach all that Jesus did and taught--and no more--we will have plenty of thrills. Otherwise, let us be silent where the Bible is silent. (p. 166 Sort of a keep-it-simple message, huh?)
"We are measuring everything by the Word. Every experience must be measured up with the Bible. Some say that is going too far, but if we have lived too close to the Word, we will settle that with the Lord when we meet Him in the air." -William J. Seymour, 1906 (p. 117)
The things of God have a circumference. They are a preserved written body of truth. It is like a well---and no one has ever fathomed the depth o f God's truth. ~To go into the power of the gospel, or of prayer, or the Holy Spirit, or divine love is to plunge ever deeper and deeper into God's well. ~The tendency today, however, is merely to splash around in truth for a while...and then jump outside the well to the surrounding soil. "Look at this---God is doing a new thing!" people proclaim. In six months or so, of course, the novelty wears off, and they jump again to a new patch of grass. They spend their whole lives hopscotching from one side of God's well to another, never really probing the depth of the living waters inside. ~Inside the well there is no cause for leaving or jumping our. Who will ever fathom the fullness of the love of God? Who will ever exhaust the richness of his mercy to fallen human beings? Who will ever understand the real power of prayer. ~Leonard Ravenhill told me..., "People say the church today is 'growing and expanding.' Yes, it's ten miles wide now---and about a quarter-inch deep." (p. 117-118)
"If you have only the Word, you dry up. If you have only the Spirit, you blow up. But if you have both, you grow up." (p. 152)
The Bible teaches that we are always either drawing nearer to God or falling away. There is not holding pattern. (p. 164)
These heroes (of the Bible) did not just sit back, as many do today, saying, "Well, God promised, and I'm sure he'll fulfill His word." They stepped up and took action to make the promise become a reality. They understood that God's work in the world is usually a joint project; He works with us as we yield ourselves to work with Him. (p. 170) (I guess this sort of addresses my political ramblings above.)
Apathetic churches across the land will be revived only by the people of deep spirituality who refuse to accept the status quo. (p. 170)I thought the above quote very interesting. Since I know that I, and probably most Christians, when we look for a church, are looking for something that's not stagnant and when we find an "apathetic" church we move on to something non-apathetic, never considering that maybe we are the ones that can make a difference and inspire such a church to go deeper.
When I first started to work at Disneyland, I was pleasantly surprised to find a handful of Christians within the Lion King cast. Most were lukewarm in their walk. I, freshly saved and healed from my own incredible sin, was deeply passionate about the Word of God and prayer and the effectiveness of both, as well as our ability to act immediately in response to God's direction in various situations. It was incredibly exciting to see others around me, who before were just hanging out as Christians, start stepping up to the plate and be bold, purposeful and deliberate in their faith. We can make a difference. I often talk about how influential we are to our children in regard to politics, history, and Jesus. But do we extend that influence to others? What about your "status quo" church? I think it's time to dive into that fathomless well and stop bonking our heads in 1/4-inch deep puddles. You (and I) can make a difference! I think that is incredibly inspiring.
When it comes to spiritual matters, you and I will never know our potential under God until we bond with our King and go out in His name and establish His kingdom. Sitting safely in the shelter of Bible discussions among ourselves, or complaining to one another about the horrible state of today's society, does nothing to unleash the power of God. He meets us in the moment of battle. He energizes us when there is an enemy to be pushed back. (p. 173 - emphasis mine)Cool book...with many great truths.

ReplyDeleteFrom a bro in Turkey:
Dear friends,
Hakan and I stepped off the ferry in Bandirma on the southern coast of Marmara Sea, 2.5 hours from Istanbul. We met with a believer there, who asked us to meet his next door neighbor-- at his work place. The neighbor, Manly, immediately shared his pain related to his wife leaving him months ago. Hakan asked Manly if he wanted to be prayed for after work. He agreed. Later Manly telephoned saying he had just received news that his wife and some of her relatives were on a bus coming back to the city at that very moment. Manly was excited and eager to be prayed for.
Hakan, four local believers and I met with Manly at his apartment. Manly said, "Prayer for me has meant repeating words in Arabic, which I don't understand. How do you pray?" The six of us just started praying, and a half hour later Manly said, "I have never before felt peace like this. I have a question. Is there a way to feel this peace again after you leave?" This question led to a sharing time, which led to more prayer, which led to more sharing... Two hours later Manly had prayed the sinner's prayer with clear understanding. One person in the group commented: "I have never in my life seen someone move that fast from zero to gospel understanding." I think part of the reason for this is that our time started with prayer ministry rather than sharing. I can say prayer ministry is Hakan's trademark.
The next day we learned that Manly made peace with his wife, Mirage, later that same night. When we first met with Manly he asked us whether he should participate in a curse breaking ritual performed by a religious man. A Muslim friend had suggested it to break a curse over his wrecked marriage. Manly was confused and felt hopeless, powerless. But instead, within the next 10 hours, he received Christ, joined a local fellowship, and saw his marriage restored. Needless to say, it was encouraging for all to see the Spirit work so powerfully.
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing that, Troy. Just what I needed to read tonight. I read this comment after me "going higher" post. God is so good. Love you so much.