Tuesday, September 28, 2010

abortion doulas

(Taken from a recent Silent Voices Newsletter.)

Lauren Mitchell struggled to adjust to her new role as a doula.  She is one of many trained, as the Greek term literally means, to assist in childbirth. "What you get very used to is this weird mix of tragedy and relief and sex and emotions," she says.  "There's always this interesting mix of remorse and relief."

If that doesn't sound like a traditional birth experience to you, you're right.  Lauren is an abortion doula, taught to coach mothers not in the birth, but killing of children.  She is one of dozens of volunteers with The Doula Project in Manhattan.  The group covertly works in two unidentified abortion mills, including one that specializes in late-term abortions.

One doula says her job is to "offer patients whatever they need: someone to joke with, someone to cry with, maybe someone to rub their feet."  Another described how she helped a mother by simply blocking her view of lethal injection syringes and an ultrasound monitor with her soon-to-be dead baby's image on it.  She considered that a successful intercession.  But where will these abortion helpers be when days, months, or years later, these hurting mothers are faced with an inescapable sense of loss, depression, and regret?  What jokes will they distract them with then?

This phenomenon is a tragedy of wolves in sheep's clothing.   Not only does the masquerade deny women the true support they need, it also presents an ironic problem for the abortion community itself.  They've spent decades claiming that terminating pregnancies does not bring difficult, painful, or troubling consequences.  Promoting this service is the ultimate admission they were wrong.

Unfortunately, the existence of the abortion doula could be the start of a bigger push.  These helpers could soon be the ones to fill in for a nationwide shortage of abortionists by administering lethal drugs, too.  If so, you can count on us to push right back.  We'll always champion for baby birthdays, not death days - and that's something every doula should be doing, too.
Written by Bradley Mattes for Life Issues Institute.  September 3, 2010. 

P.S.  Read Sarah Mae's post today.  Must be a theme.


  1. wow....I don't even think I have a comment but I wanted to let you know I enjoy keeping up with you.

  2. So glad you posted this sweet heart. I am devastated by this news. My natural response is to do something about it. Maybe if you added to your blog a link to a place I could go to write my senator, a pro-life monetary gift I could give to an organization countering this trend, or just a link to AUL. It is so important to move me to action! I love you.

  3. http://www.lifeissues.org/Donation/index.htm is a link to Life Issues Institute where they accept donations. I came across this article and felt like it was information that needed to be known.
    I think the best thing to do is to write our own senators and congressmen to let them know where we stand on the issue of abortion and life. I just wrote a long one to Feinstein not necessarily about any particular legislation but just to let her know that she misrepresents me in her abortion views. The more they know, the better. If more of us spoke up, it would have to have an effect.
    For info on how to reach your senator and reps, go to www.govtrack.us and click on "members of congress" on the right and then it's pretty easy to navigate from there.

    Also, donating to a local pro-life center can't hurt. Pro-life pregnancy care centers are incredibly under-funded. So, anything you can send their way: $, clothes, toys, gift cards (Target, groceries, etc.) that they can give to women in need are helpful.

  4. I didn't even know this "job" existed. How horrifying. Reminds me of the video a friend posted on facebook today. Perhaps you've seen it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPF1FhCMPuQ
